Tamil Nadu has recently inaugurated a groundbreaking glass bridge over the sea, enhancing connectivity between two landmarks. This development coincides with the silver jubilee celebrations of the Tiruvalluvar Statue, which has become a symbol of cultural pride.
Inauguration Details
Chief Minister M.K. Stalin officially opened the bridge, linking the Tiruvalluvar Statue and the Vivekananda Rock Memorial in Kanniyakumari. The event celebrated the statue’s 25th anniversary, marking its significance in Tamil culture.
Bridge Specifications
The glass bridge spans 77 metres and is 10 metres wide, constructed at a cost of ₹37 crore. It allows visitors to walk between the two landmarks while enjoying views of the sea below. The bridge addresses previous transportation issues caused by rough seas and low tides, providing a reliable means of access.
Key Facts About Tiruvalluvar Statue
Key Facts About Vivekananda Rock Memorial
GKToday Notes:
- Tirukkural: Tirukkural is a classic Tamil text consisting of 1,330 couplets. It covers ethics, politics, and love, and is considered a masterpiece of Tamil literature.
- V. Ganapathi Sthapathi: V. Ganapathi Sthapathi was a renowned Indian sculptor. He is celebrated for his intricate and monumental sculptures, particularly the iconic Tiruvalluvar Statue in Kanniyakumari.
- Poompuhar Shipping Corporation: Poompuhar Shipping Corporation operates ferry services. It connects visitors to coastal landmarks, including the Vivekananda Rock Memorial, enhancing tourism in Tamil Nadu.
- Statue of Wisdom: The Statue of Wisdom is the new name for the Tiruvalluvar Statue. This renaming reflects the statue’s cultural significance and the principles of wisdom embodied in the Tirukkural.
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