The Phewa Dialogue series commenced recently, marking collaboration between Nepal and China, in Pokhara, a city renowned for its picturesque lake. Former President Bidya Devi Bhandari inaugurated the dialogue, denoting its importance for regional cooperation.
Purpose of the Phewa Dialogue
The dialogue aims to encourage policies that promote regional prosperity and peace. Participants will discuss critical issues affecting South Asia, including industrial changes and emerging needs. The initiative reflects a commitment to enhance economic integration within the region.
Hosting Institutions
Sichuan University’s China Center for South Asian Studies and Tribhuvan University’s Department of International Relations and Diplomacy are hosting the event. Their collaboration signifies a unified approach to addressing South Asian challenges. This partnership also puts stress on the role of academic institutions in shaping policy discussions.
Pokhara, known for its natural beauty, serves as an ideal backdrop for the dialogue. The choice of location aims to attract attention to Nepal’s potential as a host for international forums. The scenic environment is expected to inspire constructive discussions among participants.
Previous Initiatives
The Phewa Dialogue follows an earlier initiative by the K P Sharma Oli government to launch the Sagarmatha Dialogue series. This previous effort was inspired by the Raisina Dialogue but faced delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The current dialogue represents a renewed commitment to regional dialogue and cooperation.
The Phewa Dialogue is anticipated to become a prominent forum for South Asian economic integration. The engagement of various stakeholders will facilitate the exchange of ideas and strategies. This initiative has the potential to shape the future of regional collaboration and development.
GKToday Notes:
- Phewa Dialogue: The Phewa Dialogue series aims to enhance regional prosperity and peace. It marks Nepal’s commitment to encouraging South Asian economic integration through collaborative discussions.
- Sagarmatha Dialogue: The Sagarmatha Dialogue was a proposed initiative by K P Sharma Oli’s government. It aimed to address regional issues but was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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