Arun Kapur, an esteemed Indian educationist, received a prestigious honour from Bhutan’s King Jigme Khesar Namgyel, which occurred during Bhutan’s 117th National Day celebrations in Thimphu on December 17, 2024. Mr. Kapur was awarded the ‘Bura Marp’ (red scarf) and ‘Patang’ (ceremonial sword), titles typically reserved for senior officials and also gained the honourary title of ‘Dasho.’
Previous Recognition
In 2019, Mr. Kapur received the ‘Druk Thuksey’ award for his contributions to education in Bhutan. He established The Royal Academy school and developed the Bhutan Baccalaureate educational system, enhancing local educational standards.
King’s Address and Project Overview
King Jigme Khesar discussed the Gelephu Mindfulness City (GMC) project during the National Day celebrations. Announced in 2023, GMC aims to be the world’s first carbon-neutral smart city. The project focuses on sectors such as IT, health, wellness, education, and hospitality.
Strengthening Bilateral Ties
The King brought into light his visits to India, including a recent trip to encourage stronger ties. He expressed gratitude to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Government of India for their ongoing support of the GMC project.
Mr. Kapur’s Educational Journey
Mr. Kapur has an extensive background in education. He has taught at various institutions in India and founded the NGO Ritinjali. He established the Pallavan School network and served as the founding principal of Vasant Valley School in Delhi. Additionally, he played important role in creating Paradise Valley Private School in Muscat for the Omani government.
In October 2024, King Jigme Khesar appointed Mr. Kapur to oversee the training and development of Bhutanese individuals for leadership roles in the GMC project. His contributions have made him one of the few Indians to receive Bhutan’s highest royal honours.
GKToday Notes:
- Bura Marp: Bura Marp is a red scarf awarded in Bhutan. It signifies high honour and respect. This accolade is typically reserved for senior officials and distinguished individuals.
- Gelephu Mindfulness City (GMC): GMC is an ambitious project in Bhutan. It aims to be the world’s first carbon-neutral smart city. The project focuses on technology, health, and education sectors.
- Druk Thuksey: Druk Thuksey is an award in Bhutan. It recognises contributions to the country’s education. Arun Kapur received it for enhancing educational standards through The Royal Academy.
- Dasho: Dasho is an honorary title in Bhutan. It is bestowed upon individuals for exceptional service. Recipients are often recognised for their contributions to society and the nation.
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